
- While using this site, your IP address, geolocation and other personal data may be tracked and used to identify you personally.
- The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) considers acts of cyber crime (DDOSing, Doxing, damaging intellectual property, obtaining protected information) and other acts of fraud as criminally punishable, including years of imprisonment and/or large fines.
- Any fraudulent acts/attempts made on this website will result in a ban and may be reported to authorities for further investigation.

  • Island
  • Madagascar City
  • Prison
  • Remnants
  • Trainwreck
  • Village

  • Time Limit: 15:00
  • Score Limit: 300
  • Downed State: Off
  • Player Health: 100%
  • Boosters: On
  • Cash Drip: Off
  • In-Game Store: On
  • Sidekicks: Off
  • Mysticals: Off
  • Heavy Weapons: Off
  • Radar: On
  • Heavy Weapons On Map: On (2v2 - OFF)
  • Grenades Only: Off
  • Treasures: Off
  • Ammo Drops: On
  • Players Drop Weapons: On

  • Auction House
  • Island
  • Madagascar City
  • Remnants
  • River

  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Score Limit: 5
  • Wave Spawning: Off
  • Respawn Time: 6 seconds (2v2 - 4 seconds, 4v4 - 8 seconds)
  • Downed State: Off
  • Player Health: 100%
  • Boosters: On
  • Cash Drip: Off
  • In-Game Store: On
  • Sidekicks: Off
  • Mysticals: Off
  • Heavy Weapons: Off
  • Radar: On
  • Heavy Weapons On Map: On (2v2 - OFF)
  • Grenades Only: Off
  • Treasures: Off
  • Ammo Drops: On
  • Players Drop Weapons: On

- Two rounds will be played, each lasting 10 minutes. The non-hosting team will choose which side they want to play first round. After the first round, both teams will switch sides. After two rounds have been played, the total score from both rounds will be counted and the team with the higher score will be declared the winner.
- Only in the event of a tie after two rounds, the hosting team may choose to change the map. In this case, the hosting team must select a plunder map that is 1. not in the mapset for the given match and 2. a valid map in the plunder map rotation (as listed above). Both rounds must be played. If the hosting team chooses a map that is either already in the match mapset or not a valid plunder map, the non-hosting team can take the map win. If the hosting team chooses to replay the same map, both rounds must be replayed. However, the time limit must be changed from 10 minutes to 7 minutes for both rounds. All rounds should be video recorded in case of a dispute.

  • Auction House
  • Island
  • Madagascar City
  • Pirate Colony
  • Remnants
  • Rooftops
  • Scotland
  • Time Limit: 15:00
  • Score Limit: 1000
  • Wave Spawning: Off
  • Respawn Time: 6 seconds (2v2 - 4 seconds, 4v4 - 8 seconds)
  • Downed State: Off
  • Player Health: 100%
  • Boosters: On
  • Cash Drip: Off
  • In-Game Store: Off
  • Sidekicks: Off
  • Mysticals: Off
  • Heavy Weapons: Off
  • Radar: On
  • Heavy Weapons On Map: On (2v2 - OFF)
  • Grenades Only: Off
  • Treasures: Off
  • Ammo Drops: On
  • Command Captain: Off
  • Players Drop Weapons: On

Plunder Maps:
  • Auction House
  • Island
  • Madagascar City
  • River
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Score Limit: 5
  • Wave Spawning: Off
  • Respawn Time: 2 seconds
  • Downed State: Off
  • Player Health: 100%
  • Boosters: On
  • Cash Drip: Off
  • In-Game Store: On
  • Sidekicks: Off
  • Mysticals: Off
  • Heavy Weapons: Off
  • Radar: On
  • Heavy Weapons On Map: Off
  • Grenades Only: Off
  • Treasures: Off
  • Ammo Drops: On
  • Players Drop Weapons: On
- Two rounds will be played, each lasting 10 minutes. The non-hosting team will choose which side they want to play first round. After the first round, both teams will switch sides. After two rounds have been played, the total score from both rounds will be counted and the team with the higher score will be declared the winner.
- Only in the event of a tie after two rounds, the hosting team may choose to change the map. In this case, the hosting team must select a plunder map that is 1. not in the mapset for the given match and 2. a valid map in the plunder map rotation (as listed above). Both rounds must be played. If the hosting team chooses a map that is either already in the match mapset or not a valid plunder map, the non-hosting team can take the map win. If the hosting team chooses to replay the same map, both rounds must be replayed. However, the time limit must be changed from 10 minutes to 7 minutes for both rounds. All rounds should be video recorded in case of a dispute.

Table Only Rules:
  • Map: Island
  • Time Limit: 20:00
  • Score Limit: 15
  • Wave Spawning: Off
  • Respawn Time: 0 seconds
  • Downed State: Off
  • Player Health: 100%
  • Boosters: On
  • Cash Drip: Off
  • In-Game Store: Off
  • Sidekicks: Off
  • Mysticals: Off
  • Heavy Weapons: Off
  • Radar: On
  • Heavy Weapons On Map: Off
  • Grenades Only: Off
  • Treasures: Off
  • Ammo Drops: On
  • Players Drop Weapons: On
Table Only Boundaries:

- All gunfights must happen within the boundaries set by both ends of the RPG table on Island.
- No Grenades allowed.
- Blindfiring and using the blindfire mod on your weapon is banned.
- Pistols are allowed.
- Players have 20 seconds to reach the table after respawning. Intentionally timewasting/hiding will result in a forfeit.
- Both players must be taking cover on opposite sides of the table for 3 seconds before the gunfight can begin.
- Shooting your opponent as soon as they reach the table will result in a forfeit.
- Players must not shoot each other while a player is attempting to reach the table. Shooting your opponent outside the 1v1 boundary will result in a forfeit. Shooting your opponent while they are trying to reach the table will result in a forfeit.
- All players should be full health before the gunfight begins.

All semi-auto and burst weapons are banned except for the following:
  • Agarwal
  • Jackal
  • Raffica
  • Para 45
  • Para 9
  • Bishai
  • Mazur
  • M14
  • FAL

- Marking booster is banned (not Mark on Damage) and will result in a map forfeit. If auto-marked, record video proof.
- P90, XCR, Mine, C4 are all banned.
- All Sidekicks are banned.
- All Mysticals are banned.
- Smoke Bombs are banned.
- Only 1 player can use a FAL per team.
- Only 1 player can use a Mazur Sniper per team.
- Only 1 player can use a Raffica per team.
- Teams are allowed to swap FAL/Mazur Sniper users in the middle of a game, but only one player may use the weapon at any given time. Breaking this rule will result in a forfeit.
- Players are allowed to pick up a dropped FAL/Mazur Sniper and use it. This does not count as two players using the weapon at the same time.
- 3v3: Only 1 player can use a Grenade per team. Once a player throws a Grenade, they must be the only Grenade user on their team for the remainder of the match.
- 4v4: Only 2 players can use a Grenade per team. Once a player throws a Grenade, they must be one of the only 2 Grenade users on their team for the remainder of the match.

- Speedglitching will result in a forfeit of the map.
- Unintentional lines of sight (namely the China pillar hang-off spot on Island and the cover on the bottom pillar of Barok side on Island) are banned and will result in a forfeit of the map.
- Going outside the boundaries of the map will result in a forfeit of the map.
- Intentional suicide in KOTH will result in a forfeit of the map.
- Lagswitching/excessive lag will result in a forfeit of the match and a possible ban.
- Ringing (playing on someone else's account) is not allowed.
- Teams with a history of glitching/cheating may have their entire team deleted, including all player accounts.
- In the event that you suspect a team to be glitching, leave the match and let the team know by message. Proceed to record all necessary proof and report the win for your team. Send a ticket to an admin along with the match ID through the ticket channel in the Discord.
- If you are not 100% sure that the opposing team was glitching, continue playing the rest of the match.

- Only players that were selected upon match creation are able to play in the match.
- Substitutions are allowed between each map (and between plunder rounds).
- Only players that were selected in the match are allowed to substitute for another player.
- Any players that were not selected to play in the match and are not on the team roster are forbidden from playing in the match.
- If another team substitutes another player that is not a part of the match roster, the match should be reported as a win and proof should be recorded and sent to an admin with the match ID through the Discord ticket channel.
- If both teams have 4 members selected to play in the match, a 3v3 challenge can be played as a 4v4 only if both teams agree.
- All players must be level 50 or higher.
- If another team has any player that is below this level, the match should be reported as a win and proof should be recorded and sent to an admin with the match ID through the Discord ticket channel.

- All proof, along with the match ID, should be sent to an admin through the Legacy Esports Discord by submitting a form in the #tickets channel.
- After the match has been created, the team that hosts the first map (as defined on the match page) should send a friend request to at least two members of the opposing team and set up the first map.
- The host will then rotate between teams as defined on the match page.
- The non-hosting team will always choose which spawn/side they prefer for the given map.
- After a map is over, the host should promote a member of the other team to take host. A total of 5 minutes will be given between maps to set up and begin the next map.
- If no one on the team is able to host, the opposing team should host the remainder of the matches.
- If an opposing team is taking an excessive amount of time between matches, you should record it and send the video to an admin through the Discord ticket channel. Teams with a history of wasting time may be subject to forfeiture of the match.
- A 20 second grace period will be given after a match has started in which the host can restart the match. During this time, the hosting team is allowed to exit to the main lobby. Additionally, if the non-hosting team would like to restart, they may also exit within this period.
- Intentionally quitting during this grace period after losing an initial gunfight in order to reset the match is not allowed.
- If the host disconnects or exits the match after 20 seconds, the non-hosting can take the map win if desired, but must record proof. If the non-hosting team agrees, the match can be replayed. The score will carry over to the replay and the match time should be set to the amount of time that remained at the time the original match was exited.
- If a player disconnects or exits the match after 20 seconds, the match must continue and cannot be restarted. The disconnected player may join back if they are able to, but no substitutes are allowed to join to replace the disconnected player.
- If a random player joins the match at any given time, remains in the game and/or disrupts the match and influences spawns, the match must be restarted at the time and score at which the player joined.
- If the opposing team breaks a rule, all players on your team should leave the match immediately. If the match is allowed to complete, the results of the match are final and can not be reversed.

- Both teams must be in the lobby and the match started within 15 minutes of the match time (before the no show time).
- If a team does not show up with all 3 of their members (all 3 having the same spawn color) before the no show time, the opposing team can report the win, but must record a 10 minute unedited video proof of them waiting in a lobby. The video should show include proof of inviting the other team and should be sent to an admin through Discord.
- If a team does not accept friend requests, screenshot proof (including timestamps) of outgoing friend requests and messages should be sent to an admin through the Discord ticket channel.
- All video proof must be sent as a YouTube video.
- If both teams agree to play after the no-show time, the match can resume as usual. However, no-show proof will no longer be valid.
- If neither team reports a match, the match will automatically cancel after 12 hours of the match time.
- Only the team leader can create, accept and report a match.
- All teams must report their match before another match can be created or accepted.
- If only one team reports a win, they will automatically receive the win after 12 hours of the match time.
- If a team reports the loss, the match win will automatically go to the opposing team.
- If both teams report the win, a match dispute will be triggered automatically. It is only recommended to report a win to trigger a dispute when both teams have decisive proof that will guarantee them the win.
- Excessive disputing will result in the banning and deletion of both the team leader and their team.

- Lag that impacts the match should be recorded, uploaded to YouTube and sent to an admin through the Discord ticket channel.
- The match can be replayed if both teams agree to restart from the starting time of the incident. Proof of this agreement should be saved.
- Lagswitching/excessive lag will result in a forfeit of the match and a possible ban.